

Prescriptions are available from the practice at a charge of £21.00 including VAT. You may obtain Prescription Only Medicines (POM-Vs) from your veterinary surgeon or ask for a prescription and obtain these medicines from another veterinary surgeon or pharmacy. Veterinary surgeons may only prescribe POM-Vs for animals under their care. In some circumstances, where immediate treatment is required, a prescription may not be appropriate for your animal. Prices of medicines supplied by the practice are available on request.

In order to prescribe or dispense POM-Vs to your pets it is a legal requirement that the animal is under the care of the veterinary surgeon.  To fulfil this requirement, the policy of this practice is to re-assess an animal requiring repeat prescriptions every four months, but this may vary depending on the condition(s) involved. The standard charge for a Medicine Check Consultation is a reduced fee of £50.50.